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"On The Whole, 20 Persons Were Killed While 52 Sustained Various Degrees Of Injuries-Gen Abdul Buba

opera.com 4 days ago

According to Channels Television, a potential tragedy was narrowly avoided when a suspected bomber detonated an explosive device prematurely, resulting in her death but sparing numerous lives, according to military sources. The incident, which occurred amid heightened security measures, marked the fourth such attempt in recent weeks.

Brigadier General Abdul Buba, addressing the press on behalf of the Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher G. Musa, detailed the incident and its aftermath. “The fourth incident was averted when the suspect was identified early enough and she detonated the bomb prematurely whereby she became the only casualty. On the whole, 20 persons were killed while 52 sustained various degrees of injuries and received treatment.”

The premature detonation occurred before the suspect could reach a crowded area, thus preventing potentially significant casualties. The swift response from security personnel was credited with minimizing the impact of the bombing attempt.

Buba expressed profound sorrow over the lives lost due to ongoing conflicts, emphasizing the toll it takes on both the military and civilian populations. “The sad loss of lives is a tragedy for the society, community, and the nation,” Buba stated. His remarks revealed the military’s deep sense of responsibility and grief over the continued loss of life in such violent incidents.

He conveyed the armed forces' collective grief and extended condolences to the affected families and communities. “Accordingly, on behalf of the Chief of Defence Staff, Gen C. G. Musa, officers, and members of the armed forces, we express our condolences even as we mourn with all who have lost loved ones. We also commiserate with all victims needing healing and recovery.”

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