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Politician Disappear to Neighbouring Country for 3Days With Mistress, Switches Phone as Family Panic

opera.com 3 days ago

A local publication reports that a westen Kenya politician last week disappeared for three days and remained remained unreachable for three days.

The move is reported to have brought panic to his family, close friends and his constituents.

He is reported to have switched his phone for three days and ventured into a neighbouring country accompanied by a new mistress he recently bagged.

Details indicate that he had lied to his wife that he was travelling abroad. Reliable sources have revealed that only his trusted personal assistant knew of his escapade with the new lover in the neighbouring country.

When the man disappeared for the few days, his personal assistant was in charge of his social media handles and was taking care of his public perception.

One narrative that the personal assistant was driving around was that his boss was out of public limelight after he was injured during the recent protests when protestors stormed parliament.

"His personal assistant, we are told, was busy moderating public perception on social media claiming mheshimiwa was indisposed after allegedly sustaining an injury during the storming of Parliament by protesters last Tuesday," the Star reports.

Source: https://www.the-star.co.ke/news/2024-07-03-western-politician-vanishes-to-neighbouring-country-with-mistress/

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