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"Walipwe KSh 200K" Millie Odhiambo Backs Gen-Zs' Calls to Reduce MPs Salary

opera.com 5 days ago

Protests against the Finance Bill 2024 and popular indignation over it have spurred discussion, on government spending, notably with regard to MP wages.

Kenyans, especially members of Generation Z, have been using social media to urge that MP salaries be lowered as the government attempts to reduce spending.

Millie Odhiambo Mabona, a member of parliament for Suba North, openly backed the idea of cutting lawmakers' pay, arguing that the extra money would be better utilized to help Kenyans in need.

The public uproar and protests around Finance Bill 2024 have sparked a discussion, about government spending and areas where it might make savings to make sure the nation lives within its means.

Young people in Kenya have gone to social media to demand that the government have a discussion about the wages that parliamentarians receive, as the government attempts to reduce spending in the wake of demonstrations over Finance Bill 2024.

Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo Mabona expressed, her support for cutting MP pay in a Facebook conversation with her fans, arguing that the extra money would be better utilized to help Kenyans in need. 

"Gen Z has suggested that you lower your pay to KSh 120k." "I've previously stated on national television that our pay should be lowered to even KSh 200k."

Millie Mabona retorted, "The government ought to use that money to support things like medical access, bereavement, and food for the poor." 

On websites like X, other Kenyans have questioned why, despite Kenya not being one of the wealthy nations, Kenyan MPs receive some of the highest salaries worldwide.

"Mps without clear academic records are earning more than our doctors?" asked @_CHRISRIL. Enough already, #RutoMustResignNow, and let's review qualifications and academic records in addition to salary."

"MPs must be forced to pass a bill to reduce their salaries by more than 50%," stated @Pekiro. Nobody would want to run for any elective office if this occurred.

We can save Kenya from its economic quagmire in this way. Let's avoid acting insincere. @Zachary_Sonko stated: "Reduce salaries for MPs and other government officials and close all the loopholes for corruption and Kenya will eventually become the Singapore of Africa."

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