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Mt kenya Leaders Karua, Maina Njenga, Kioni and Wa Iria Currently Attending Raila's Azimio Workshop

opera.com 2024/6/13

The Mount Kenya faction of the opposition led by the Narc Kenya Party leader Martha karua are currently attending a workshop that has been organized by the opposition Raila Odinga to streamline the opposition strength in both Houses of Parliament.

Among the leaders from Mount Kenya who are present in the meeting include the former governor for muranga County Mwangi Wairia, the former governor for laikipia County Nderitu Murithi.

Also present is the Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah kioni and former sect leader Maina Njenga and a host of other leaders drawn from the region.

The opposition wing from Mount Kenya has been calling on its members to unite as they seek to organize a forum in Mount Kenya that will be aheaded by Martha karua and KAMWENE team on the future of the community.

Also present is the form of vice president colonso musyoka the former cabinet secretary in charge of Defence and members of Parliament and senators from the opposition.

Watch the live event here

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