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Harvard Business School: Nigeria’s reputation at stake – Peter Obi

opera.com 2 days ago

Daily Post reports that during a recent event at Harvard Business School, Peter Obi, the former governor of Anambra State and prominent Labour Party leader, voiced grave concerns about Nigeria's international reputation. Obi's remarks were centered on the urgent need for enhanced transparency and accountability within Nigeria's political landscape.

In his address, Obi emphasized that Nigeria's global image has suffered significantly due to widespread corruption and governance issues. He highlighted how the integrity and credibility of Nigerian leaders play a critical role in shaping the country's reputation on the world stage.

Obi's comments come amidst a backdrop of controversies surrounding political figures in Nigeria. These include allegations of certificate forgery and other forms of misconduct, which have further tarnished the nation's image. Obi argued that addressing these issues head-on is essential for Nigeria to regain trust and respect internationally (Tribune Online) (Guardian Nigeria News).

He called for a collective effort from all sectors of Nigerian society, including political, religious, and community leaders, to champion the principles of justice, morality, and uprightness. Obi's advocacy for probity and accountability is seen as a crucial step towards restoring Nigeria's reputation and ensuring sustainable development.

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