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Godswill Akpabio Always Says To Me, We Are All Men Here, So Speak Like A Man— Sen. Natasha Akpoti

opera.com 6 days ago

Channels Television interviewed Senator Natasha Akpoti-Uduaghan, who spoke about her time in the Senate. She said that Godswill Akpabio, president of the Senate, constantly tells her to "speak like a man" because that's how the rest of the male senators are addressed. She elaborated by saying that she tries not to let her gender be a focal point at work, instead focusing on presenting herself as competent rather than feminine.

She continued in the video by saying that, as women, they have learnt to speak up in the Senate anytime they feel their opinions are being ignored. She continued by saying that throughout the campaign, some in Kogi State thought she fought like a man.

When we feel our voices are going unheard, we have learnt to raise them, she says. Senator Natasha, Senate President Akpabio is fond of saying Because you choose to be here, you must act and speak like a man; no one can stop you from reaching your destination. Rather of displaying femininity at work, I prefer to emphasise my skills and pay attention to the context of my words. Like every senator, I was duly elected, and I express my mind, even though I am a woman. They stated I fought harder than any other in Kogi State.

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