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What Angry Youths Tried To Do To Ruto's Motorcade After Leaving The Church On Sunday

opera.com 6 days ago

For the first time in a long while, the country experienced an unusually quiet weekend, devoid of the usual political fervor in places of worship.

This silence followed a warning from the leaderless Gen-Z alliance, which planned to "de-platform politicians in churches" during their "seven days of justice" initiative. This move prompted politicians to lay low.

Normally, weekends are filled with political activities, ending with church services where politicians gain visibility and avoid scrutiny. The Gen-Z alliance has challenged this practice, accusing politicians of exploiting church platforms.

Without much fanfare on his social media accounts or media invitations, President William Ruto attended a church service at Lolgorian PEFA Church in Kilgoris, Narok County, accompanied by Narok Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu and former Governor Samuel Tunai.

Cognizant of the Gen-Z discontent, the leaders kept a low profile, with posts about the service emerging only in the afternoon.

"This morning, I had the privilege of welcoming the President of the Republic of Kenya, Dr. William Samoei Ruto, to Narok County for a church service at PEFA Church in Lolgorian, Kilgoris Constituency. Karibu Nyumbani, Mr. President," Governor Ntutu posted around noon.

An hour later, President Ruto shared on social media, "Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them so that everyone may see your progress. -1 Timothy 4:15. Sunday service at Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa (PEFA) Church in Lolgorian, Narok County.

A short video later circulated, allegedly showing youth attempting to block his motorcade shortly after he left the church.

Meanwhile, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua attended a church service at Deliverance Church International in Kaplong, Bomet County. There, he criticized leaders for displaying arrogance and opulence instead of adhering to the Kenya Kwanza Administration's manifesto. Gachagua also reaffirmed that his working relationship with President William Ruto is strong and he will support the Head of State to the end.


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