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The Longer Nnamdi Kanu Is In Prison The Taller He Becomes, The Shorter Gov't Becomes-Kenneth Okonkwo

opera.com 2 days ago

During an interview on Arise TV, actor and attorney Kenneth Okonkwo, well-known for his legal work, presented a strong argument in favor of Nnamdi Kanu's release.

Okonkwo highlighted the possible advantages of Kanu's release, presenting it as a calculated step toward regional peace and harmony in southeast Nigeria.

He said, "The federal government has a lot of places it can stand to release Nnamdi Kalu and bring peace to the southeast."

He emphasized how people's perceptions of Kanu are changing, arguing that his prolonged detention strengthens his position while undermining the legitimacy of the government.

Okonkwo asserted, "He is now more likely a political prisoner. I tell you something: the longer Nnamdi Kalu is in prison, the taller he becomes and the shorter the government becomes."

He compared Kanu's treatment to that of other people and encouraged the federal government to release Kanu in an effort to take a more strategic stance.

He emphasized, "They should take the intelligent way and release him like they did to other people. They should rehabilitate him and reconcile him, as they are reconciling the Southeast completely to the nation."

You can watch the footage here from 1:23 to 2:11 minutes.

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