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Not Ruto Or Gachagua As Analyst Reveals Only One KK Leader Who Had Power To Stop Gen Z Protests

opera.com 2024/10/5

Mr. Beauttah The Speaker of the National Assembly, Moses Wetangula, allegedly let Kenyans down by passing up a vital chance to stop the mayhem on Tuesday that led to numerous casualties and extensive damage, according to media practitioner Mr. Omanga.

Omanga contended that Wetangula had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a significant, intelligent choice that might have prevented the nation's extraordinary unrest.

He added that emotions were rising across the country at the time the contentious 2024–2025 Finance Bill was up for voting.

It was anticipated that the speaker would halt the discussion and direct the representatives of the people to discuss the nationwide protests, even without seeking input from anyone.

"I am sure even MPs in the house were aware of what was happening in their home towns through social media courtesy of their mobile phones." He stated in the Standard newspaper.

Even if the Speaker of the House was legally "blind and deaf," Mr. Beauttah Omanga of the Standard daily questioned why the MPs did not do more to defuse the mounting national tension during their discussions.

He condemned the fallout from a particularly difficult day, joining the president, the church, former President Uhuru Kenyatta, and opposition leaders Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka in doing so. He did, however, fully blame the MPs, saying they had let the Kenyan people down by not doing enough to stop the situation.

Omanga stated that it was expected that the Speaker would call urgent meetings with the leadership of the house in order to postpone the vote and soothe the public.

He proposed that the Speaker ought to have gone back to the chambers of deliberation and led the Members of Parliament in talking about the mayhem surrounding their discussions.

Omanga feels that this would have lessened the protestors' rage, which was stoked by the MPs' quick and resounding ratification of the financial measure in spite of calls for its suspension.

Fortunately, Generation Z's demonstrations forced the president to veto the bill. He sent the bill back to the residence for additional handling. As we found it, Mr. Speaker, Kenya has been a model of peace in the region, and it is your responsibility to keep it that way by paying attention to what the church and the majority of Kenyans want, and acting accordingly.

"For failing to act to save and protect the integrity of the house, Moses Wetangula should simply resign." he stated.

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