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Sani:It's historical fact that people from North've been in political power for a longer time

opera.com 4 days ago

Shehu Sani, a former congressman from Nigeria, has urged Northern leaders to drop their ambitions to run against President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in the 2027 presidential contest, citing concerns that doing so may undermine national cohesion. In an interview with ARISE NEWS on Thursday, Sani stressed how crucial it is to put the nation's stability and unity ahead of any regional political aspirations. He counseled Northern leaders to concentrate on working with the Tinubu administration to resolve the serious issues that the region is now facing, such as poverty and insecurity. Sani recommended that in order to maintain national unity, Northern leaders give up their individual political goals for the 2027 elections.

By doing this, he contended, the North will have the moral right to pursue power in the event that Tinubu is elected to a second term. Sani emphasized that the collective peace of the nation and the region might suffer from a frantic attempt to seize power. Sani emphasized the historical background, pointing out that Northern leaders have previously possessed political power for protracted periods of time. He pointed out that this authority presented a chance to solve important problems including underdevelopment, insecurity, education, and the gap in wealth between the rich and the poor. But he bemoaned the fact that the authority was frequently abused, failing to result in the advancement and advancements that were required.

Sani's comments highlight the necessity of a cooperative approach to governance and call on Northern leaders to interact positively with the current government. He thinks the North can better handle its issues and contribute to the stability and unity of Nigeria by concentrating on policies and initiatives that help the North.

Sani emphasized that Northern leaders must deal with the issues that exist in their area.

“It’s a historical fact that people from the North have been in political power for a longer time, and that power was an opportunity for them to use to develop the regime, to address the problems of insecurity, of education, of underdevelopment and of the widening gap between the rich and the poor. But unfortunately, that power that ought to have been used that way was misused", Sani was quoted as saying.

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