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Former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan Believes Economic Hardship Can Be Overcome

opera.com 5 days ago

According to a report by Vanguard, former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has expressed his belief that the present socio-economic uncertainty currently gripping the nation can be overcome with the help of God and collaborative efforts from all stakeholders.

Jonathan made this known while declaring open the "2024 Annual Law Week" of the Yenagoa Branch of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), with the theme: "The Legal Profession in a Time of Socio-Economic Uncertainty."

The former president, who was represented by the Paramount Ruler of Abureni Clan, HRM Collins Daniel, noted that while the federal government is doing its best to salvage the situation, what the country needs now is a united effort in finding solutions to the present economic hardship.

He further stated that between 2016-2019, the whole world went through another economic recession, and Nigeria also had her share of the hardship, but was fortunate to get out of the recession in a few years.

"I believe the present socio-economic uncertainty which had sent shivers to all nooks and crannies of society would also be overcome by the grace of God. The Federal Government is doing its best to salvage the situation," the former president added.

Delivering the keynote speech at the event, Justice Obande Ogbuinya, a Justice of the Supreme Court, acknowledged that the global economic crisis is ravaging the entire world, including Nigeria.

"Our economy is wobbling and engulfed in instability. It is a bleeding economy. It is exacerbated by uncontrollable galloping inflation which births astronomical rise in cost of living, low purchasing power and quality of life, geometric increase in prices of basic goods and services," Justice Ogbuinya said.

The Justice further highlighted the impact of corruption on the Nigerian economy, describing it as a "transnational cankerworm that permeates every facet of the Nigerian society."

In his remarks, the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources (Oil), Senator Heineken Lokpobiri, stated that the economic crisis is not peculiar to Nigeria alone, as other parts of the world, including Europe, are also facing similar challenges.

He called on lawyers to be innovative, as opportunities abound despite the economic situation.

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