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War:If You Launch A Big Attack On Iran, You're On Your Own-Pres Joe Biden Sends Message To Israel PM

opera.com 2 days ago

President Joe Biden reportedly threatened to withdraw US support for Israel if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched a significant retaliation against Iran, according to a New York Times report.

"Let me be crystal clear… If you launch a big attack on Iran, you're on your own," Biden told Netanyahu during a phone call following an Iranian missile attack in April.

The report, citing aides present in the situation room, states that Netanyahu pushed Biden to retaliate against Iran, but Biden was adamant: "You do this, and I'm out. Take the win."

The exchange highlights Biden's willingness to risk a rift with Israel to prevent a potentially escalatory retaliation against Iran, which could have drawn the US into a broader conflict in the Middle East.

According to Times of Israel, the Biden administration has focused on diplomatic efforts and economic sanctions to curb Tehran's nuclear ambitions and regional aggression, avoiding a direct military confrontation with Iran.

The revelation comes as the US and its partners negotiate with Iran over reviving the 2015 nuclear deal, which Israel has staunchly opposed.

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