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Tips to Make Your Mobile Data Last Longer, Revealed by NCC

opera.com 1 day ago

Ever feel frustrated when your mobile data runs out before the month ends? You're not alone. This write-up tackles data depletion by offering solutions to stretch your data plan further. According to the information found on the website of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), the following tips as recommended by their Consumer Affairs Bureau (CAB) can help prevent depletion of your mobile data.

1. Take Control with Monitoring: The first step is awareness. Regularly check your phone's built-in data usage tracker or use third-party apps to understand your data consumption patterns. This allows you to adjust your behavior accordingly.

2. Embrace the Power of Wi-Fi: Whenever possible, prioritize Wi-Fi connections over mobile data. Connect at home, work, cafes, or libraries to save your precious mobile data allowance.

3. Manage Updates: Automatic updates for apps, operating systems, and software can be data guzzlers. Turn them off and update manually when connected to Wi-Fi.

4. Turn off Background Data Usage: Some apps sneakily consume data in the background. Restrict background data usage for specific apps to prevent them from draining your data allowance.

5. Download for Offline Enjoyment: Download movies, shows, music, and podcasts over Wi-Fi for offline viewing or listening. This way, you can enjoy them without data worries.

6. Location Services: Unless absolutely necessary, disable location services for specific apps or entirely on your phone. GPS and location tracking can be data-consuming features.

7. Block the Ads: Install ad-blockers to prevent advertisements from eating into your data plan.

8. Upgrade for Heavy Users: If you consistently deplete your data allowance, consider upgrading to a larger data plan to avoid running out mid-month.

In conclusion, by implementing these strategies from the NCC's Consumer Affairs Bureau, you can take control of your mobile data usage and avoid frustrating data depletion. Note that, knowledge and a few adjustments can significantly extend your mobile data experience.

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