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Egypt reacts by sending 100 tons of humanitarian aid to flood-affected communities in South Sudan

opera.com 2 days ago

Egypt and South Sudan have strengthened their bilateral relations through various cooperation projects aimed at achieving sustainable development. Recently, Egyptian Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources, Hani Sewilam, visited South Sudan to exchange views with his counterpart, Pal Mai Deng, on joint development projects. The visit culminated in the inauguration of the Bahr El-Ghazal River Clearing Project in Bentiu, Unity State, which marks a significant milestone in their partnership.

Additionally, the two ministers launched the Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) to enhance South Sudan's capabilities in addressing climate change. This initiative demonstrates Egypt's commitment to supporting South Sudan in building its institutional capacity to confront the challenges of climate change.

Furthermore, Egypt has provided 100 tons of humanitarian aid to South Sudan, including medicines, medical supplies, food, and tents, to support communities affected by floods. The aid was received by Sewilam and Mai Deng at Juba International Airport, highlighting the longstanding relations between the two countries and Egypt's dedication to supporting South Sudan's development.

The cooperation between Egypt and South Sudan is a testament to their shared commitment to achieving sustainable development and addressing common challenges. The joint projects and aid initiatives demonstrate the strength of their bilateral relations and their determination to work together for the benefit of their people.

Source: Dailynewsegypt

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