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Shehu Sani Reacts To Video Of 85-year-Old Deputy Prime Min. Who Said He's Ready For 2026 Election

opera.com 2 days ago

Uganda's Deputy Prime Minister, Ali Moses, aged 85, recently announced his candidacy for the 2026 elections, sparking widespread debate about leadership in Africa. Moses's decision highlights a recurring issue across the continent: the prominence of elderly leaders in politics. While experience is valued, the continued reliance on aging figures raises concerns about inclusivity, succession planning, and the promotion of generational change in governance.

Critics argue that the over-representation of older leaders may stifle innovation and hinder the emergence of younger voices capable of addressing modern challenges and driving socio-economic progress. Furthermore, it underscores systemic issues within African politics, where power often consolidates around established figures rather than nurturing diverse leadership pipelines.

As Uganda gears up for the upcoming elections, Moses's candidacy prompts important discussions on democratic principles, the necessity of robust political institutions, and the imperative of ensuring leadership that reflects and responds to the diverse demographics and aspirations of its populace.

Reacting to the report, Shehu Sani laughed as he re-quoted the video of the 85-year-old Uganda Deputy Prime Minister.

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