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Situation At State House as President Ruto Encounters Tough Questions from Three Top Media Journalists

opera.com 5 days ago

Tense moments have been witnessed in state House Nairobi as Ruto battles tough question asked by three national journalists from distinguished media houses.

An example of the tense moments is when one journalist asked his Excellency President William Samoei Ruto,that there is ongoing hashtag calling him to resign.

"Mr President there is an hashtag going around saying that you step down.The hashtag going " Ruto Must go" is projected to you as a Head of State. How do you respond? "The journalist asked

Tense moments were witnessed as President William Ruto composed himself to reply to thia tough question. Taking a few seconds to think President William Ruto noted that, Kenya is a country of democracy and everybody has his or her own opinion.

"Everybody is entitled to their opinion. I have a job to do. Citizens are free to engage in discourse that they want to but those are the fruits and signs of a democracy," Ruto said.

Another tense moment witnessed, was when a NTV journalist asked the President on the issues revolving his Deputy Rigathi Gachagua. To his response, President William Ruto quoted that the journalists should look for the Deputy in his official residence and ask him the questions.




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