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Governor Fubara was given a Mercedes Benz to learn how to drive instead of a Beetle - Chidi Llyod

opera.com 2024/6/16

Chidi Llyod, Chairman of Emuoha Local Government Area has expressed his disappointment in the current state of governance in Rivers State.

In a recent report by Punch, Llyod criticized what he perceived as Fubara's inability to handle the responsibilities of governance effectively. In a metaphorical comparison, Llyod likened Fubara's leadership to being given a Mercedes Benz to learn how to drive instead of starting with a vehicle like Beetle.

Llyod alleged that Fubara mishandled funds meant for local governments in Rivers. He lamented that despite their efforts in supporting Fubara to power, local government chairmen were facing financial difficulties due to the governor's actions. He highlighted instances where funds from various sources, including the Federation Account were allegedly withheld from local governments. He also claimed that the internally generated revenue meant for the Councils was not being allocated properly.

In Llyod's words: "Governor Fubara was given a Mercedes Benz to learn how to drive instead of a Beetle, so that is what we have to contend with"

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