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A Complete Waste of Public Resources - Shehu Sani Slams Plan for New Hospital for Senators and Reps

opera.com 2 days ago

The plan to establish a new hospital for Senators and Representatives has been met with criticism from former Senator Shehu Sani, who described it as a "complete waste of public resources". According to Sani, the in-house clinic at the National Assembly is already equipped to provide medical services to lawmakers, but it is rarely utilized.

As reported by Punch News, Sani took to Twitter to express his disapproval of the plan, stating, "Establishing a new Hospital for Senators and Reps is a complete waste of public resources; knowing that there is an in-house clinic equipped for such services of which Lawmakers hardly patronise."

Sani's comment highlights the concerns of many Nigerians about the prioritization of resources in the country. With the nation facing numerous challenges, including a struggling healthcare system, many are questioning the need for a separate hospital for lawmakers.

The in-house clinic at the National Assembly is reportedly well-equipped and staffed, but lawmakers have been known to seek medical attention abroad or in private hospitals in Nigeria. This has led to accusations of wasteful spending and a lack of faith in the country's public healthcare system.

Sani's tweet has sparked a debate on the issue, with many calling for a more efficient use of resources. As Punch News reported, the plan for a new hospital is still in its early stages, but it has already sparked controversy.

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