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MPs Shut down their business and sends home their employees

opera.com 5 days ago

In an unprecedented turn of events, Members of Parliament (MPs) in Kenya have been forced to shut down their businesses and send their employees home following a series of aggressive protests against the proposed Finance Bill 2024. The bill, which has sparked widespread controversy and public outcry, has led to severe disruptions and heightened tensions across the country.

The Finance Bill 2024 aims to introduce several new tax measures intended to bolster government revenue. Among its provisions are increased income taxes, higher value-added tax (VAT) rates, and new levies on essential goods and services. The government argues that these measures are necessary to address the growing fiscal deficit and fund critical infrastructure projects.

However, the bill has faced fierce opposition from various sectors of society. Critics contend that the proposed taxes will disproportionately impact low- and middle-income citizens, exacerbating poverty and economic inequality. The opposition parties, civil society groups, and trade unions have united in their condemnation of the bill, leading to widespread protests.

The protests, initially peaceful, escalated into violent confrontations as demonstrators targeted MPs’ businesses and residences. Angered by what they perceived as an unjust and burdensome piece of legislation, protestors stormed business premises, vandalized property, and disrupted operations. The homes of several MPs were also targeted, with reports of intimidation and threats against their families.

The intensity and scale of the protests have taken both the government and the public by surprise. Business owners, including MPs, have been left with no choice but to shut down operations temporarily to ensure the safety of their employees and protect their property.

The shutdown of MPs’ businesses and the dismissal of employees have significant economic and social implications. The affected businesses span various sectors, including retail, hospitality, and services, contributing to local economies and providing livelihoods for many families. The temporary closure means loss of income for employees, exacerbating the economic hardships that many are already facing.

As the situation unfolds, the government faces the dual challenge of addressing the immediate crisis and finding a sustainable solution to the underlying issues. Dialogue and negotiation between the government, MPs, and protestors are essential to de-escalate tensions and restore normalcy.

Revisiting the Finance Bill 2024 with a focus on fairness and equity could help in addressing public grievances. Engaging stakeholders in a transparent and inclusive process may lead to a more balanced approach to fiscal policy, one that considers the economic realities of all citizens.https://peopledaily.digital/news/mp-closes-clubs-sends-home-200-employees-after-two-months-243283/

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