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It Will Take Decades To Get Out Of It If At All We get Out Of It - Alhaji Sa'ad Abubakar

opera.com 5 days ago

Alhaji Sa'ad Abubakar, the Sultan of Sokoto, said that it will take a number of years to totally eradicate the banditry issue in northwest Nigeria. He urged Muslims to search for fresh moon sightings. Vanguard News reports that the Sultan said these things in Katsina during the first-ever North West Peace and Security Summit.

In his speech, he acknowledged the grave effects that insurgency and banditry have had on people's lives, but he also stated that it will take time and effort to adequately address these security issues. In order to address these problems, the Sultan stated that the traditional leaders in the area are willing to collaborate with the governors of the northern states and the security services.

Numerous well-known individuals attended the meeting, including the vice president, former president Buhari, governors from the northwest states, top military and law enforcement officials, and others.

In his speech, the Sultan declared: “What we must do is challenge these bandits because we all know the consequences of banditry and insurgency on our lives.

“But it will take decades to get out of it if at all we get out of it. We all know the consequences and the problems.

“I believe that at the end of the summit, proposals to bring insurgency to the barest minimum for people to go about their lives and businesses would be arrived at.”

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