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Ex-Senate President recounts rejecting ₦250m bribe for 3rd term bid

opera.com 2 days ago

In a recent statement, former Senate President Adolphus Wabara has reiterated his stance on rejecting the staggering sum of ₦250 million offered to him by an individual close to then-President Olusegun Obasanjo in an attempt to sway his support for the controversial third-term agenda. This bold move by Wabara, which took place during his tenure as Senate President, sent shockwaves through the political circles, earning him accolades from many Nigerians who praised his courage and integrity.

Wabara, who was Senate President from 1999 to 2005, has long been an advocate for good governance and accountability in Nigerian politics. His rejection of the bribe, which was reportedly offered to him by someone believed to be close to Obasanjo, demonstrates his unwavering commitment to these values.

According to pulse Nigeria, in his statement, Wabara emphasized that he was not swayed by the substantial offer, which was meant to influence his decision on the third-term agenda. He stressed that he remained resolute in his opposition to the move, which he deemed unconstitutional and detrimental to the country's democratic progress.

Wabara's stance on the matter has sparked renewed interest in his leadership style and his commitment to upholding the principles of democracy. His decision to reject the bribe has also sparked debates about the need for more leaders like him who are willing to put country above personal interests.

The former Senate President's willingness to take a stand against corruption and abuse of power is a testament to his unwavering commitment to serving the Nigerian people. His courage and conviction are an inspiration to many, and serve as a reminder that there are still leaders in Nigeria who are willing to put the nation's interests above their own.

In conclusion, Wabara's rejection of the ₦250 million bribe is a testament to his integrity and dedication to public service. It serves as a reminder that there are still leaders in Nigeria who are committed to upholding the principles of democracy and fighting against corruption.

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