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BREAKING NEWS: Russia Now Issues A Statement Over Vladimir Putin's Support For Finance Bill Protests

opera.com 2 days ago

Today in the afternoon, reports have emerged that Russia through their Nairobi embassy has come out to issue a statement over president Vladimir Putin's alleged support for the finance bill protests in Kenya.

As reported by Kenyans.co.ke, Russia on a letter sent to media houses has distanced itself from the viral video of Mr Putin announcing his support for the protests. According to Russian embassy, the viral video is fake and everyone should be very cautious of it. This statement by the Russian embassy is coming in at a time when Gen Z protests have already kicked off in various parts of the country.

"We have noticed that a fake video of the President of Russia has been circulating in Kenyan social media.Completely fake voice-over and captions were added over real footage of a past address by the Russian President. Beware of misinformation." Said the Russian embassy on a statement shared by kenyans.co.ke.

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