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Opinion: Amid FG's Insensitivity, Gov Otti Can Help Resuscitate Pacesetter FM

opera.com 4 days ago

Suffice it to say that the existence of FM Radio Stations have become a global phenomenon, In fact it has become an essential aspect of any nation's socio-cultural life, its importance in the lives of the people cannot be overstated and can be better felt now that the country is grappling with security challenges, hardship among others.

Through the use of audio sounds to reach its listeners wherever they are, FM Radio stations facilitate communication with speed and accuracy to dispersed listeners which is why it has been revered over the years.

Despite the fact that growth of radio stations in Nigeria have impacted negatively or positively on the people, giving them opportunity to listen to multiple broadcasting stations of their choice unlike the past when government monopolized the broadcast industry, it is also germane to mention that Federal Radio stations in Nigeria no matter where they are domiciled or situated, have indigenous programmes/contents that have always made them standout in a competitive environment like Abia State.

It is against this backdrop, that a radio station like the popular Pacesetter 103.5 FM, Umuahia, located around Amakama area of the State, which has gradually gone into extinction despite impacting listeners over the years, needs urgent attention from the Federal, State governments, NGOs, philanthropists and men of goodwill.

The federal government, should cover its face in shame that these federal FM stations located in virtually all the 36 states of the federation cannot keep the momentum and remain afloat in a competitive market while sending a wrong message that individuals who set up private radio stations have more foresight and financial muscle than the federal government.

Though that is not the discussion for today, the crux of this write-up, hinges on the fact that Pacesetter FM, needs urgent attention. It has become indeed so disturbing navigating through the old Ururuka Road almost on daily basis and hear passengers, drivers discuss and describe Pacesetter 103.5 FM, Umuahia as a shadow of itself, unworthy setter and an abandoned legacy.

A visit to Pacesetter FM, Umuahia with overgrown grasses, scary environment, leaves one wondering, if it is still the same Pacesetter FM that was a voice prior 2015 general elections. Indeed the narrative has changed for a station, with mouthwatering programmes like the AM Safari with a Veteran Journalist, Captain Eugene Okey Imuoh, Pacesetter Sports with the Lone Striker , Lewachi Arinze, APGA Half Hour among other scintillating programmes.

Indeed Pacesetter FM has gone from being a pacesetter to unworthy setter. The neglect by the Federal Government is heartbreaking. Come to think of it, who on earth sets up a business and allows it to pine away? In the midst of questions like: what could be the problems of this FM? I gathered that the imprest due the station doesn't come directly to the station. It comes through their Enugu Zonal Office. Which means there is the likelihood that the Zonal Office, sieze what is due to Pacesetter FM or do some doctoring before little is released to them for operation. The most annoying is that the station comes on air when there is EEDC power supply. What an aberration!

Apart from that, the issue of diesel to operate which is peculiar to other FM stations in the country has continued to be a problem militating against its operations. But the truth is, with good imprest, Pacesetter FM would sustain itself and be in business for at least one full month uninterrupted to allow clients place adverts among others. How can a radio station that hardly stays on-air generate revenue and remain afloat in a competitive environment?

I recall that during the administration of a former Governor of Abia State, Sen. T.A Orji, litres of diesel were secretly and occasionally shipped to Pacesetter FM to assist the FM station in its operations. Assistance also came from well-to-do individuals who were in love with the modus operandi of Pacesetter FM as it were. I also recall that the incumbent Governor of the State, Dr. Alex Otti also in 2015, donated a MIKANO generating set to assist the station.

While these philanthropy or magnanimity are in the years past, there is need to repeat such gestures now that the cost of diesel and cost of operating a radio station is high. 

I recall also that because of the programme, "APGA Half Hour" aired on Pacesetter FM, sponsored by APGA prior the 2015 election, Pacesetter FM made several enemies including the ruling party in 2015. I strongly believe that all these sacrifices by the FM to see to his emergence as Governor then will amount to nothing if the current Abia State Government under Dr. Alex Otti, fail to go down memory lane to acknowledge efforts made by Pacesetter FM to ensure that Dr. Alex Otti emerged as Governor.

Thank God he is Governor today and in as much as I am not ungrateful and negating the one he did then, Pacesetter FM assisted in making Dr. Alex Otti a popular figure in Abia State politics. In all sincerity, if he was to put down the story of his political journey in Abia State together, he will definitely not forget the invaluable inputs- publicity given by Pacesetter FM. Then the question is, what better way would he appreciate this FM that made enemies because they allowed their platform to be your opium? 

In all fairness, Governor Alex Otti has all it takes to offer a helping hand to resuscitate a radio station that shaped his political career especially as the Federal Government under President Bola Tinubu is unperturbed about the state of comatose this FM station is in. 

Therefore, as I remind philanthropists, friends of the FM station of the dire need of Pacesetter FM Umuahia, I specifically call on all men of goodwill, lovers of the station not to allow Pacesetter FM, be another abandoned legacy of the Federal Government in South-East. The medium is still ready to impact her listeners through mouth watering programmes which they have brains to churn out.

Izuchukwu Nwokoma is a Journalist and Public Affairs Analyst based in Umuahia


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