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"Stop Forcing Raila On Press Conference, You'll Make Him Lose AU Job" ODM Ally Fires At His Party

opera.com 3 days ago

Saboti Member of Parliament, Hon. Caleb Hamisi, has finally spoke following today's ODM party press conference amidst ongoing demonstrations witb Gen Z's demanding for Ruto's resignation. In a stern warning to his fellow colleagues, Caleb emphasized the need for the ODM party to refrain from jeopardizing Raila Odinga's image, amid his bid for the AU Chairmanship.

Caleb criticized the ODM leadership, urging them to stop forcing Raila Odinga into unnecessary press conferences, after Gen Z's told him to relax acknowledging his substantial contributions to the nation.

Further, he alleged that many leaders allied to Raila Odinga are motivated by selfish interests and self-preservation. Caleb stressed that such behavior must cease immediately. He therefore pointed out the mishaps during the 2022 elections where Raila was let down by his closest allies, emphasizing that such errors should not be repeated.

Caleb questioned the necessity of involving Raila Odinga in every press conference, while the deputy party leader is there. He emphasized Raila's stature as a peacemaker in Africa and expressed concern that individuals within Raila's inner circle may be hindering his progress for personal gain.

Caleb therefore urged for an end to such practices, advocating for actions that elevate Raila's stature rather than keeping him at a level that only benefits selected few.

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