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They used to call me "Talk Na Do" Governor but Fubara will be more than "Talk Na Do"—Seriake Dickson

opera.com 2024/6/16

Former Bayelsa State Governor, Seriake Dickson, has spoken highly of Rivers State Governor, Siminalayi Fubara, during a project commissioning event

In a video recently shared on YouTube by TVC, Dickson, once known as the nickname "Talk Na Do" Governor for his reputation of fulfilling his promises and implementing projects, expressed optimism that Fubara will surpass him in performance. He praised Fubara, saying he is a man of few words but big actions. He highlighted Fubara's background as an accountant and stated that this experience makes him prudent and careful with the state's resources

Dickson said under Fubara's leadership, funds will be used wisely to address important issues and improve the lives of the people, rather than being wasted on unnecessary things. He encouraged Fubara to stay focused and not to be distracted, expressing confidence in his ability to bring significant development to Rivers State.

In Dickson's words: "They used to call me "Talk Na Do" Governor but the way I'm seeing Fubara, he will be more than Talk Na Do Governor"

Watch the video from 1:21:04

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