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Police Confront Gen Z Protester Dressed In Martial Arts Attire Along Waiyaki Way During Demos

opera.com 4 days ago

Police confronted a protester dressed in martial arts attire along Waiyaki Way during the ongoing demonstrations against the finance bill.The striking figure, clad in traditional martial arts gear, stood out amidst the crowd, drawing attention from both protesters and law enforcement.


As tensions flared, officers approached the martial artist, leading to a tense standoff. Recent reports highlight a grim toll from the ongoing protests: 39 fatalities and 361 injuries have been reported.

The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) disclosed alarming figures on Monday, July 1, revealing 32 abductions and 627 arrests amid the escalating unrest.

The court last week ordered the police not to use teargas and live bullets against protestors.Since Thursday of last week, demonstrators have been urging President William Ruto to leave the nation.

Protesters in more than 20 regions of the nation have once again flocked to the streets, chanting "Ruto Must Go" and demanding Ruto's resignation.

President William Ruto on Sunday night said he was ready to dialogue with Generation Z on Space X before the end of the week.

In a televised joint media interview, the Head of State said he was ready to talk to the youth after a spirited battle that saw the President cave in to their demand to scrap the 2024 Finance Bill.

The youth have been actively protesting against his government’s tax policies and governance issues.

The youths who staged the protests against the 2024 Finance Bill have no known leaders, they have no structure but speak with a coordinated voice and now the President wants them to set up X Space either on Thursday or Friday.

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