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Shehu Sani was lucky to escape after General Yar'Adua died in Enugu prison–Mike Ozekhome

opera.com 5 days ago

Mike Ozekhome, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), recently shared his admiration for former Senator Shehu Sani, describing him as a courageous individual who fought valiantly for democracy. In a video shared by TVC, Ozekhome reflected on their shared experiences and the strong bond they formed during turbulent times.

Ozekhome recounted the perilous period when Sani was imprisoned in Enugu, a time marked by significant hardship and danger. He highlighted that Sani was fortunate to survive, especially considering the tragic death of General Shehu Yar'Adua, who was also imprisoned at the same facility. This close brush with mortality underscored Sani's resilience and determination.

Adding a touch of humor to his account, Ozekhome joked that the difficult experiences Sani endured in prison might be part of the reason he now confidently sports an Afro hairstyle. This lighthearted remark emphasized Sani's ability to retain his unique identity despite the severe challenges he faced.

Ozekhome expressed deep respect and admiration for Sani, emphasizing their close friendship. He lauded Sani's resilience and strength, noting that these qualities had not only seen him through the darkest times but also earned him widespread respect.

In his tribute, Ozekhome referred to Sani as both a very good friend and a brother, highlighting the depth of their relationship. He admired Sani's unwavering commitment to democratic principles and his bravery in the face of adversity.

In Ozekhome's words: "He (Sani) was lucky to escape after General Yar'Adua died in Enugu prison. He was there with him. That is why he can afford to grow Afro hair today. Senator Shehu Sani my very good friend and brother."

Watch the video here starting from 14:39

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