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If We need better lyrics for our anthem, there are thousands of Nigerians to craft it, Nkumogu Obadiah Mbila

opera.com 3 days ago

Public affairs analyst Nkumogu Obadiah Mbila expressed concerns about Nigeria's national anthem and its historical roots, criticizing what he sees as a lack of progress and direction in the country. He questioned the decision to keep an anthem composed by a foreigner during the colonial period, arguing that it symbolizes a lingering attachment to colonial symbols while other African nations have embraced their independence through name changes.

Mbila suggested that Nigeria should update its anthem to better represent its identity and aspirations, pointing to the country's wealth of creative talent capable of crafting a more fitting composition. By advocating for a new anthem that reflects national pride and independence, Mbila aims to spark a renewed sense of patriotism among Nigerians.

In an interview with The Sun, Mbila said, "Nevertheless, this has been one year of rudderless driver, who has driven the nation backward, as can be interpreted with the return to a National Anthem given to us by a foreigner, at the point of exit of the colonial influence. So, while smaller African countries like former Upper Volta are becoming Burkina Faso, Gold Coast is Ghana, we’re helping our children to cherish our colonial relics? This is a sad development.

Please, let me state here in black and white, there’s nothing wrong in anthem change, absolutely nothing! But, everything is wrong in revalidating the colonial memory. If we need better lyrics for our national anthem, there are thousands of Nigerians to craft it and deliver in good time. So, I just gave you one area of reference."

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