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I wanted her to be a celebrity –Father arrested for filming four-year-old daughter in skimpy dresses

opera.com 2024/6/1

According to Punch, A father, identified as Suleiman, has been arrested in Edo State for dressing his four-year-old daughter in skimpy dresses and filming her dancing inappropriately on social media. He claimed he wanted to make his daughter a celebrity and was preparing for her upcoming birthday on May 28.

The father's actions sparked outrage and concern for the child's well-being, with many condemning the exploitation of minors. The police were quick to respond, arresting the father within 12 hours of the incident being reported.

In a video released by the state police command, the father is seen being interrogated, revealing his intentions and justifying his actions. He claimed he was inspired by other content creators and wanted his daughter to become a model and celebrity.

The police have commenced an investigation into the matter, and further revelations are expected to be made public. Child protection advocates and the public have expressed widespread concern and condemnation, highlighting the need to protect minors from exploitation and harm.

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