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"God Will Do My own" -Toke Makinwa Replied Man Who Mocked Her Over Her Recent Memo To Single People.

opera.com 1 day ago

Media personality Toke Makinwa has decided to reply a man who mocked her over her recent video clip on Instagram. In her video she advised single people and also refers herself has being a single person.

Photo credit: Google

Apparently, there were several comments under her video clip but a man whose name is Nelson comment really captured Toke Makinwa's attention. The man took to the Media personality Instagram handle comment section to give his opinion about her post in which he referred Toke Makinwa as an unmarried woman and not a single woman.

Nelson stated; "You have passed single era oh you are now UNMARRIED".

Photo credit: Instablog

In the video Toke Makinwa shared on her Instagram few hours ago, she said "Guys come closer let's talk. All the single people, this is for you. Single prinkle is what I actually wanted to call us because I am on this table as well".

She said, "stick to social media don't go outside, stay inside because every where you look "Oghechi Oghechi Chioma" am I a toad?...God when is any man going to buy me.

She advised single people in her conclusion saying, "God hasn't forgotten all those waiting for their life partner, celebrate with those who celebrate but also remember that His time is perfect and in due time you will also be celebrated. And then, stay inside house be like me".

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