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Amount That Man Who Allegedly Stole Mace From Parliament Will Have To Pay After Pleading Not Guilty

opera.com 5 days ago

Stephen Mokogi Nyarenchi has been released on a cash bail of Sh 2,000 after pleading not guilty to charges of taking the mace from Parliament. The incident allegedly occurred during a session, causing a significant disturbance. Nyarenchi appeared before the Milimani Law Courts, where he was formally charged with the offense.

During the court proceedings, Nyarenchi's lawyer argued for his release on bail, emphasizing that he would comply with all court orders and was not a flight risk. The prosecution did not oppose the bail request, leading to Magistrate Jane Kamau granting bail at Sh 2,000.

The mace, a ceremonial staff, is a symbol of the authority of Parliament, and its removal is considered a serious breach of parliamentary protocol. The case has garnered public interest due to the unusual nature of the allegations.

Nyarenchi is expected to return to court for a hearing on the case as investigations continue. The court has instructed him to ensure his availability for all subsequent proceedings and to adhere to any additional conditions set forth by the court.


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