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No Minister has ever reported to any senator, they do not usually come from same party, Kingibe

opera.com 3 days ago

While noting that ministers and senators typically come from different political parties in the past, Senator Ireti Kingibe has emphasised the constructive relationship between the two.

Regardless, synergy is the secret ingredient to their fruitful collaboration, says Kingibe. Kingibe removed the need that ministries report directly to senators by stressing the significance of synergy. She contended that there is no longer any necessity for extra reporting systems between the two bodies as the National Assembly sessions are already recorded.

This statement elucidates the character of governance in Nigeria's political environment and stresses the importance of working together across party lines to effectively govern and make policies. “No Minister has ever reported to any senator. If you look back several years, the majority of ministers and senators don't usually come from the same party,” Ireti Kingibe reportedly told The Sun. But they complement each other. The operative term is synergy. There is no need to report to anyone. The National Assembly takes notes of its sessions.

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