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When Wike came in, he dismissed all the LG chairmen that he met whose tenures was not over-A. Briggs

opera.com 2024/6/28

A frontline Niger Delta activist, Annkio Briggs has reacted to the crisis in Rivers State regarding the tenures of the 23 local government chairmen in the state.

In an interview on AIT, Annkio Briggs said when the Minister of the FCT, Nyesom Wike came in as the Governor of Rivers State, he sacked all the local government chairmen that he met whose tenures have not expired. She said Wike during his time as Governor removed chairmen and brought in chairmen as he pleases. She added that the FCT Minister should not expect the current Rivers Governor, Sim Fubara to behave the same way.

She said: “The local government chairmen, the law says that their tenure is three years. When Wike came in, he dismissed all the local government chairmen that he met whose tenures was not over. He dismissed them and brought on board acting local government chairmen. And he removed chairmen and brought in chairmen as at when it pleased him. Well that’s his government, that was what he did. He should not expect Governor Sim Fubara to do the same thing. And that’s the crux of the whole matter of Rivers State.”

It should be recalled that after the tenures of the local government chairmen who are loyalists of Wike expired on Monday, they refused to vacate their offices, citing a law which allows them to stay beyond what the constitution permits. However yesterday, Governor Sim Fubara sworn-in Caretaker committee chairmen for all the 23 local government areas of the state.


(From 1:48:30)

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