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" You Will Regret" MP Wamuchomba Warns Gen Z Protesters Against Conceding

opera.com 2 days ago

Githunguri Constituency MP, Gathoni Wamuchomba, has called on Generation Z to remain steadfast in their push for societal changes. She cautioned that backing down could lead to their issues being ignored, similar to what happened with the Azimio la Umoja coalition's concerns.

Wamuchomba emphasized the importance of persistence, citing the aftermath of the 2022 General Elections as a cautionary tale. She reminded Gen Z that after the elections, Azimio la Umoja, led by Raila Odinga, took to the streets demanding greater inclusion in the government. Despite their efforts, they eventually conceded, which led to the formation of the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO).

Here is a link: https://peopledaily.digital/news/gathoni-wamuchomba-message-243039/

However, Wamuchomba pointed out that the NADCO's efforts have not yielded significant results. Although national dialogue sessions were held and broadcasted live, where many Kenyans voiced their opinions and suggestions, the final report has yet to be debated or adopted in parliament. She expressed frustration over this, noting that the report is now gathering dust on shelves.

In a recent statement on her social media account, Wamuchomba shared her insights. She reflected on how Azimio's leader, often referred to as "Baba," and his supporters relaxed after the formation of NADCO. She highlighted that more than a year has passed without any substantial progress or parliamentary discussion on the report. This stagnation has contributed to ongoing issues, such as the delay in constituting the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

Wamuchomba's message to Gen Z is clear: do not repeat Azimio's mistake by backing down. She urged them to continue pushing for change and to ensure their voices are heard and acted upon. Her remarks come at a crucial time when many young people are actively seeking reforms and greater accountability from their leaders.

As the youth continue to advocate for their concerns, Wamuchomba's warning serves as a reminder of the importance of persistence and vigilance in the fight for meaningful change. Whether Gen Z will heed this advice and maintain their momentum remains to be seen, but the call to action has certainly been made.

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