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Illegal Task Forces In Rivers

opera.com 2 days ago

The operations of illegal task forces in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital, have become a

major source of concern for residents and motorists. The task forces, which are not sanctioned by the government, have been accused of indiscriminately arresting vehicle owners and impounding their vehicles on the pretext that they violated traffic rules.

They often target vehicles parked in unauthorised areas or those that are allegedly driven recklessly. However, there have been numerous reports of vehicles being impounded even when the owners have not committed any offence. In some cases, the task force members have been accused of using excessive force and intimidation to coerce motorists into making unauthorised payments.

The confiscated vehicles are usually taken to Rivers Marine Company situate at Marine Base, a defunct firm owned by the Rivers State Government. The vehicles are held there until the owners pay a ‘fine’ to the task force. The amounts charged vary depending on the type of vehicle and the alleged offence. Many residents have complained that the task forces are making it difficult for them to go about their daily lives. They have also been accused of extortion.

Curiously, the hoodlums have found a sinister alliance with corrupt elements within the police force. They operate under the guise of police authority, using the uniforms of law enforcement to lend legitimacy to their nefarious activities. This unholy alliance has created a dangerous situation, where criminals are able to hide behind the facade of respectability, while engaging in their criminal enterprises.

Police Commissioner Olatunji Disu bears a heavy responsibility to restore order and protect the people from these criminals. He must take immediate action to identify and remove the corrupt officers who are working in cahoots with the hoodlums. A thorough investigation is needed to expose the extent of this collaboration and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Governor Siminalayi Fubara, upon assuming office, declared the disbandment of all task forces in Rivers State. However, recent events have raised questions about the continued existence and operation of these task forces. Their reappearance has sparked confusion and concern among the people, who are wondering how these entities can continue to function despite the Governor’s directive.

Task force proliferation has been a persistent issue in Rivers State, with various administrations attempting to address their perceived inefficiencies and negative impacts. The reemergence of these groups after the Governor’s disbandment order raises questions about the state’s commitment to implementing its own policies.

The continued existence of task forces despite the Governor’s directive undermines the credibility of the government and raises concerns about the rule of law in Rivers State. The government must take a decisive action to address this issue and ensure the arrest and prosecution of the culprits. The public deserves an explanation for the reappearance of illegal task forces in different parts of Port Harcourt and assurances that their activities will be curbed.

Gangsters’ infestation of Rivers Marine Company and other government facilities has reached an alarming level, demanding immediate and decisive action. These criminal elements have audaciously exploited the spaces as their operational strongholds, creating a pervasive atmosphere. The situation has deteriorated to a point where the legitimate operations of state-owned facilities are severely compromised.

It is unconscionable that such a vital government asset as Rivers Marine Company has fallen prey to these nefarious actors. The Ministry of Transport, as the custodian of this facility, bears the primary responsibility for ensuring its integrity and security. The current state of affairs is a glaring indictment of the ministry’s failure. The continued presence of criminals within the premises sends a dangerous message that lawlessness will be tolerated.

Swift and decisive action is paramount to reclaim the facility. The Transport Ministry must prioritise their immediate dislodgement from the company and other affected areas. This may require the deployment of security measures, including surveillance, access controls, and the establishment of a dedicated task force to combat gang activity.

Residents of the state who are approached by individuals claiming to be part of a task force should exercise extreme caution. These individuals may use aggressive tactics or make false promises to coerce payment. It is essential to remain calm and refuse to engage with them. Instead, they should promptly contact law enforcement authorities by visiting the nearest police station or dialing emergency hotlines, providing detailed information about the incident.

Creating job possibilities for young people is vital for fostering productivity and reducing crime rates within the state. If provided with meaningful employment, our youths will gain a sense of purpose and financial stability, which can deter them from engaging in illegal activities. Employment empowers youths to contribute to their communities and develop valuable skills, enhancing their future prospects.

Job creation policies specifically tailored towards youth can effectively address the unique challenges they face, such as lack of experience and limited access to training. These programmes can offer apprenticeships, internships, and on-the-job training openings, allowing youths to gain practical skills while earning a wage.

Furthermore, job opportunities provide youths with a sense of belonging and responsibility. When they have a stake in their state, they are less likely to engage in destructive or antisocial behaviour. Employment also promotes social inclusion and integration, reducing the likelihood of marginalised youth turning to sundry crimes.

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