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Fubara Wants To Own A Structure For Himself, It's All About Selfish Politics —Obarilomate Ollor

opera.com 6 days ago

A former chairman of the Eleme Local Government, Obarilomate Ollor, has claimed that Governor Siminalayi Fubara is fueling the conflict in Rivers State for his own personal advantage.

Speaking in an interview on Channels Television's Sunday Politics, Ollor asserts that the governor's primary goal is to amass political power for himself.

Ollor accused Governor Fubara of orchestrating turmoil in the state to solidify his political base.

He argued that the governor’s actions are not motivated by the interests of the public but by a desire to establish a dominant political structure that benefits him personally.

Ollor elaborated that the ongoing political strife in Rivers State is being manipulated by Fubara to serve his selfish interests.

According to him, the governor is diverting attention from the real issues affecting the people by creating a facade of working for the public good, while in reality, he is only focused on his political ambitions.

He expressed concern that the citizens of Rivers State are being deceived into believing that the governor's actions are for their welfare.

Ollor emphasised that this crisis is a distraction from the pressing needs of the populace and is aimed at entrenching Fubara’s political influence.

The former chairman further pointed out that the conflict is being painted as a necessary struggle for the benefit of the people, whereas it is, in fact, a maneuver to consolidate Fubara’s control over the political landscape of the state.

Ollor criticised this approach, highlighting that it does not reflect the genuine needs and aspirations of the citizens.

Ollor also highlighted the dangers of such politically motivated conflicts, warning that they could lead to further instability and division within the state.

Obarilomate Ollor said, ''I think the whole essence of this crisis is unnecessary. The governor is the main reason behind the whole scuffle. He (Fubara) wants to own a structure for himself; it's all about selfish politics. It has nothing to do with the politics of the people. 

"But I think the people are being told that this whole exercise is meant for them. But the idea behind it is for personal aggrandisement and to fulfil personal desires to own a structure in politics.

"And there are some players even within the governor's cartel that are building their own ambition because of what is going on in the state.''

Watch the interview video here (start from 54:26).

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