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They came to my house and told me that they would kill me and take over my house and land -Victim

opera.com 2024/6/26

(Image used for illustrative purpose)

Four individuals were wounded by gunfire and subsequently hospitalized after an armed group invaded the Umu-Ezuboke Umualor community in Enugu state, Nigeria over a Saturday night.

According to Vanguard News, One of the injured victims, Methodist Ejiagbo, recounted that three months prior, some people from Abakaliki had threatened to attack and kill him in order to seize control of his home and land. On the night of the invasion, Ejiagbo saw the assailants arrive in pickup trucks and a van, dressed in what appeared to be police uniforms.

They confiscated phones and machetes from community members returning from the fields, but spared the younger ones. Around 11 pm, the gunmen opened fire and assaulted the residents using cutlasses and clubs, injuring multiple people.

The victim said, “Three months ago, some Abakaliki boys came to my house and told me that they will invade us with war, we are living in the farmlands. They said they would kill me and take over my house and land. One of them, Friday Ukeh said he would take over my house that it is the most beautiful house around.''

He added, “Then at night, at about 11 pm they came in and started shooting everybody, they shot me and I held them and they started shooting everybody, using cutlass on some people, even clubs they used to break some people’s hands. We were surprised"

Ejiagbo identified the perpetrators as a combination of individuals from the Amankanu and Abakaliki areas, including specific individuals such as Samuel Idenyi, Samuel Ede, Tubor, Friday Ukeh, Mark Anyigor, and others. At the time the article was published, the Enugu State Police spokesperson had not yet responded to inquiries about the incident.

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