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The South-East are being vilified and called tribalistic because they supported Obi-Aisha Yesufu

opera.com 2024/6/24

Aisha Somtochukwu Yesufu, a Nigerian political activist and businesswoman, shared a post on her verified Twitter account. In the post, she discussed the perception of the South East region's support for political candidates. 

She noted that when Ojukwu ran for President, he did not have the full backing of the South East. Similarly, at the start of Peter Obi's campaign, many predicted he would only win in his home state of Anambra, if anywhere in the South East.

However, Yesufu pointed out the double standard. When the South East region supported other presidential candidates like Obasanjo, Yar'Adua, Jonathan, and Atiku, they were not labeled as "tribalistic." But now that they have supported the "most competent" candidate who happens to be from their region, i.e. Peter Obi, they are being called tribalistic.

Yesufu expressed that she actually approves of this "form of tribalism" and would like to see more of it. Her post seems to defend the South East region's right to support the candidate they believe is most qualified, regardless of regional identity.

In his words, "Ojukwu ran for President and he didn’t have the full support of the South East region. 

Even at the beginning of Peter Obi’s campaign many swore that the South East region will not even support him. He was pegged to win only Anambra if any.

Now the people of South East are being vilified and called tribalistic because they supported Peter Obi.''

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