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Kitui Woman On How She Was Locked With A Dead Body In The Bathroom By Her Saudi Arabia Boss

opera.com 2024/10/5

Beatrice Mutuku a mother of one from Kitui still carries the memory of being locked up in a toilet in Saudi Arabia with the lifeless body of her colleague, Sharmin. The traumatic experience has left an indelible mark on her psyche.

Mutuku was employed as a caregiver for her boss's child, along with Sharmin. One fateful day, she heard a loud noise, followed by the child's cries. When she called out to Sharmin, her colleague responded in a scared tone, saying she was going to die that day. The door then banged loudly, and Mutuku never heard Sharmin's voice again.

When the door opened, Mutuku was met with a gruesome sight: the child was bleeding, and Sharmin lay lifeless on the floor. Her boss and his wife took the child out of the house, leaving Mutuku alone with the body. The boss returned, instructing Mutuku to take Sharmin's body to the toilet. Mutuku was hesitant, fearing she would be suspected of the crime if her fingerprints were found on the body or clothes.

Despite her reservations, Mutuku was brutally beaten into submission by her boss, forcing her to drag Sharmin's body to the toilet. There, she was locked up with the corpse for three days, surviving on toilet water and unable to sleep. The stench of the decomposing body eventually became unbearable.

After three days, her boss returned, setting conditions for her release. Mutuku, desperate for freedom, agreed to his demands. Her boss then handed her two trash bags, instructing her to place Sharmin's body inside

"I was weak, tired, hungry and thirsty but could not oppose. With the little strength that I remained with, I did as I was asked. I then carried the body from the floor that we were to the car with which we would transport the body and dump it in a forest," she said.

Mutuku's ordeal is a chilling reminder of the exploitation and abuse faced by many migrant workers in Saudi Arabia. Her story serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, even in the face of unimaginable horror. Watch the video below.

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