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"You'll Face The Law" President Ruto Now Issues A Warning Today In The Evening After Cabinet Meeting

opera.com 2 days ago

Some few minutes ago, reports emerged on a warning that president William Ruto has issued today in the evening after his cabinet meeting at State House Nairobi.

As reported by KTN, Ruto has now warned the police officers who will be found to have committed brutality during protests that they will face the law and carry the gross by themselves. Ruto while issuing this warning to police also said that looters who took advantage of protests to steal and destroy property will face the consequences of their actions.

"Police officers found liable for brutality cases during anti-Finance Bill protests will face the law, persons involved in arson and looting to be held culpable, President William Ruto says." Says the reports. This is coming in at a time when deaths resulting from Gen Z protests has hit 41. These deaths were mostly reported in Nairobi where the main anti-finance bill protests happened.

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