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"He'll Allow You To Shake"-Joshua Iginla Reveals What God Does Anytime He Wants To Change One's Life

opera.com 2 days ago

Prophet Joshua Iginla, the founder and senior pastor of Champions Royal Assembly, recently shared a message in a YouTube video, as he revealed what God does whenever he wants to change one's life.

Drawing on agricultural metaphors, Iginla likened the process of God's transformative work to the separation of wheat from chaff. "Anytime God wants to change your life, He will shake you. He will allow you to shake. Wind will come, gossip will come, and as He is sifting you, they are gossiping about you, turning you down. The wind will blow. When the wind blows, the chaff will leave, allowing you to stand solidly."

He urged believers to understand and embrace this process, particularly during challenging times.

"Stop hiding your harvest. You are taking the wheat not to the threshing floor but to the wine press. What are you trying to crush? In the wine press, the grape will be crushed for the juice to come out. The wheat does not need crushing; it needs wind," Iginla explained, highlighting the importance of correctly understanding and handling life's situations.

He further elaborated on the necessity of this "sifting" period, where God separates valuable aspects of a person’s life from the unnecessary or harmful. "God is separating the grain from the chaff. He needs the wind. Sometimes God will take you in the presence of your enemy and allow their words to hit you so that the wrong friends around you should jump out of your life like chaff."

Prophet Iginla urged believers to let go of toxic relationships and trust in God's process. "They just have to leave me. If they don't leave me, I will not last. If they stay around me, I will die."

He reassured his audience that this divine shaking is ultimately for their benefit. "Oh Lord, shake me. It’s called winnowing. When the wind blows and the chaff is taken away, the grain remains. Some shaking in life is for your good."

Iginla rhen emphasized that God’s process is intended to prepare believers for greater things. "The noise around your life is because of the great news coming. The Lord said, 'I just love you and I don't want you to die in harvest.' It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow. When your time comes, He makes everything beautiful in His own time."

Watch short clip HERE

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