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Is Your Partner Cheating? Watch Out for These Signs.

opera.com 2 days ago

What is Cheating?

Cheating, also known as infidelity, refers to a person in a monogamous romantic relationship engaging in emotional or sexual relations with someone else without their partner's consent.

Signs of Cheating

While there is no definitive way to determine if a partner is cheating, there are several signs that may indicate infidelity:

1. Protectiveness with electronic devices: A partner who is overly protective of their devices or defensive about their online activities may be hiding something.

2. Periods of unreachability: Unexplained disappearances or lack of communication may indicate time spent with someone else.

3. Changes in sexual interaction: An increase in sexual interest or requests for different types of sex may be a sign of infidelity.

4. Inconsistent explanations: Lies and inconsistencies in a partner's story may indicate deception.

5. Altered schedule: Unexplained changes in work schedule or routine may indicate time spent with someone else.

6. Uncomfortable friends: Changes in behavior or attitude from a partner's friends may indicate knowledge of infidelity.

7. Inconsistent expenses: Unexplained changes in spending habits or large cash withdrawals may indicate financial support for someone else.

8. False accusations of cheating: A partner who accuses others of cheating may be projecting their own behavior.

9. Hyper criticism: Sudden criticism of everything you do may be a sign of cognitive dissonance.

10. Intuition: An unexplained feeling or suspicion that something is wrong may be worth exploring.

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