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The Truth About Early Periods and Your Daughter's Height- Paediatrics Endocrinologists

opera.com 1 day ago

Anxieties about early menstruation and a daughter's final height can plague parents. But a recent PUNCH Healthwise report offers reassurance.

Genetics play a major role in height, and most girls will stop growing about two and a half years after their first period, regardless of when it starts. The biggest growth spurt actually occurs just before menstruation begins.

Menstruation, medically known as menarche, typically arrives around age 12, signifying the onset of a girl's reproductive ability. It's important to note that breast development usually precedes menstruation by two years. Earlier breast development often indicates an earlier period, and vice versa.

Paediatrics Endocrinologists emphasize that early menstruation itself isn't a cause for concern. However, very early menstruation (before age eight), termed precocious puberty, can potentially affect growth. Normal puberty usually occurs between 10 and 11 years old.

During puberty, the body prepares for adulthood. Growth plates in the joints, responsible for height increase, start to close around two and a half years after the first period. This is a natural process, regardless of when menstruation starts.

The report clarifies the distinction between early menstruation and precocious puberty. While early menstruation might limit ultimate height for girls who experience it very young (around age five), it's not the primary concern. Precocious puberty, on the other hand, can significantly impact growth due to the earlier closure of growth plates.

The bigger concern with precocious puberty, according to the report, is the potential for psychological distress. Children developing faster than their peers can experience self-consciousness, embarrassment, or even bullying.

If parents notice signs of puberty before age eight in their daughters, such as breast development or pubic hair, consulting a paediatric endocrinologist is crucial. Early evaluation and treatment, if necessary, can address any underlying issues and ensure healthy development for their daughters.

Source: https://punchng.com/girls-who-start-menstruation-early-may-be-short-paediatric-endocrinologist

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