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Martins Amaewhule and 25 persons who defected are the authentic Assembly of Rivers State –Gift Worlu

opera.com 2024/6/23

Martins Amaewhule's administration in the Rivers State House of Assembly was endorsed by Gift Worlu, a former commissioner for housing in the state. The parliament headed by Amaewhule, which consists of 25 members who defected, is the genuine legislative body of the state, Worlu stressed in an interview with the News Central Television programme Politics HQ.

His view was that a gathering of just three people could not be legally recognised as an assembly. He went on to explain that interlocutory orders are meant to put a temporary stop to acts until a final determination is made on the substantive issue.

In light of the current state of the law, Worlu stressed the need to keep things as they are. He expressed his gratitude for you informing him that he is not qualified to rule on the final disposition of cases.

Since we are discussing interlocutory orders—which aim to restrict someone from doing something while a substantive matter is being resolved—I wouldn't be surprised if another court order is issued tomorrow.

Keep things as they are until that substantive issue is resolved. Is everything as it is? There can be no legitimate Assembly of Rivers State with fewer than 25 members, including Martins Amaewhule; the state cannot function with only three representatives.

Concerning the legitimacy and makeup of the Rivers State House of Assembly, Worlu's remarks bring attention to the political conflicts and legal complications. The continuing dispute over the rightful ruler of Rivers State's legislative proceedings is exemplified by his unwavering position on the matter.

Worlu and others maintain that the bigger group headed by Amaewhule is the real representative body, and this contention has persisted throughout the judicial procedures. Based on a video posted on the YouTube channel of News Central Television - https://youtu.be/GS7q7mDccnQ?si=ReeZsb79WheTpxWc Jump to 19:07 in the video.

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