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Lawyer Abdikadir Assert Kenya Has Good Laws But Appointment of Corrupt Individuals Hinder Progress.

opera.com 2 days ago

Renowned constitutional lawyer SC Abdikadir Mohamed has made shocking statements about the state of affairs in Kenya, pointing fingers at top government officials. Mohamed asserted that while Kenya has good laws in place, the appointment of corrupt and unethical individuals like Kenya Kwanza MPs has hindered progress and perpetuated corruption in the country.

The outspoken lawyer did not mince words, stating that President Ruto and former President Uhuru Kenyatta have consistently appointed the "worst" cabinet secretaries, leading to a decline in governance and accountability. Mohamed emphasized that the quality of the cabinet has deteriorated over the years, with political allegiances taking precedence over competence and integrity.

Mohamed's comments have sparked a debate about the role of leadership in shaping the country's future. He questioned the logic behind entrusting crucial positions to individuals with questionable backgrounds and motives, highlighting the need for a significant shift in governance practices.

As Mohamed's bold assertions reverberate across Kenya, citizens and lawmakers alike are calling for a reevaluation of the current political landscape. Will these revelations lead to concrete actions to improve governance and combat corruption, or will they be dismissed as mere rhetoric?

The attorney's remarks serve as a wake-up call for Kenyan citizens to demand transparency, accountability, and ethical leadership from their elected officials. Only time will tell if these voices will ignite change and pave the way for a more just and equitable society. Stay tuned for further developments on this pressing issue.

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