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We Spent 8yrs Waiting For Buhari To Go, Only To Find Ourselves Facing Even Deeper Nightmare—Dr. Ezeh

opera.com 5 days ago

In a recent statement, Dr. Ezeh Emmanuel Ezeh, President of the Ebonyi Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines, and Agriculture (EBCIMA) and a notable figure in the Labour Party, has called on President Bola Tinubu to undertake a cabinet reshuffle in order to rescue Nigeria’s economy and foster national unity, according to DAILY POST.

Dr. Ezeh addressed journalists in Enugu on Monday, highlighting the negative effects of Tinubu’s early policy decisions, particularly the removal of the petrol subsidy.

Dr. Ezeh criticized the suddenness of this decision, describing it as a trigger for the "announcement effect" that has further destabilized Nigeria's already worsen economy.

He underlined the importance of competent governance, urging President Tinubu to incorporate skilled and knowledgeable individuals into his administration.

Dr. Ezeh stressed that without important and immediate action, the current economic hardships could expand into severe socio-political challenges, threatening Nigeria’s stability and corporate existence.

To help resolve these risks, Dr. Ezeh proposed that President Tinubu consider a strategic approach similar to former President Obasanjo’s administration.

He suggested forming a diverse cabinet comprising 35 percent technocrats, 45 percent politicians, and 20 percent bureaucrats.

This inclusive strategy, Dr. Ezeh argued, would ensure a balance of expertise, political insight, and administrative experience, drawing representatives from all regions of Nigeria.

He believes that such a balanced and representative cabinet would be instrumental in leading the country through its current economic and social challenges, ultimately contributing to national peace and sustainable development.

“We spent eight years waiting for Buhari’s tenure to end, only to find ourselves facing an even deeper nightmare."

“President Tinubu has an opportunity to revisit President Obasanjo’s playbook. Obasanjo faced a completely stagnant economy but rallied the best minds from all walks of life. Within a few years, Nigeria bounced back. We have abundant human and material resources; what we urgently need is a government of national unity.”

"Such a cabinet should comprise 35 per cent technocrats, 45 per cent politicians, and 20 per cent bureaucrats drawn from every corner of Nigeria. In fact, President Tinubu could benefit from assembling a ‘War Cabinet’ to address our current economic crisis effectively,” Ezeh said.

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