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New S'East State: If They Create One From Southern Igbo, It's Crisis They're Looking For- James Ugwu

opera.com 2024/9/29

Chief Hon James Ugwu, Chairman of the Adada State Creation Movement, has spoken out against the proposed creation of an additional state in the Southeast region, warning that it would lead to crisis if the state is created in Southern Igbo.

According to the report by Sunday Sun, Ugwu explained that if a state is created from southern Igbo land, it would give them four states, while the northern part of the region would have only two.

This, he said, would lead to an imbalance in representation and potentially create crisis.

He said that states are created for development, not crisis.

The Chairman stressed that the movement has the constitutional right to determine where they belong and would not be part of any regional administration that perpetuates inequality.

He urged the National Assembly to do the right thing and create Adada State, ensuring that both southern and northern Igbo have three states each.

He said that this would lead to happiness and development in the region.

Speaking about the implications of creating a state from the Southern Igbo, Ugwu said, "States are created for development and not for crisis. If they create one from Southern Igbo, it is crisis they are looking for. We will not be part of any regional administration in South-East if that is done, and we have the constitutional right to determine where we shall belong.

"If they have four states, and we have two, normally one goes to the centre for representation. If we are required to send in two representatives, they will bring eight and the northern part will bring four."

Speaking further, he said that if they want to do the right thing, then they should create Adada State so that southern and northern Igbo will have three states each.

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