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CS Duale Alleged Worst Abductions & Extra Judicial Killings Happened Under President Uhuru Reign

opera.com 2 days ago

CS Aden Duale has exposed what he claims to be the darkest period in Kenya's recent history under President Uhuru's rule. According to Duale, the country witnessed unprecedented levels of brutality marked by abductions and extrajudicial killings over the past 4-5 years. The shocking revelation includes the discovery of 30-40 bodies dumped in River Yala and an additional 20 bodies found in Tana River during this period.

Duale's allegations highlight a disturbing trend where state agencies and the criminal justice system allegedly abused their power to execute individuals without due process. These incidents have sparked widespread outrage and calls for accountability from various quarters of Kenyan society.

In response to these grave accusations, President Ruto has promised a complete overhaul in his manifesto. He pledged that under his leadership, such flagrant misuse of authority by state institutions would be halted. Ruto's manifesto vows to restore integrity to Kenya's criminal justice system, ensuring that law enforcement agencies operate within the bounds of the law and respect human rights.

The impact of these revelations has reverberated across the nation, raising serious questions about the rule of law and the protection of citizens' rights. Civil society organizations and political opponents have united in demanding transparency and justice for the victims of these alleged atrocities.

As investigations into these claims unfold, the international community is closely monitoring developments in Kenya. Human rights organizations have condemned the reported abuses and called for independent inquiries to hold perpetrators accountable.

In conclusion, CS Aden Duale's revelations have thrust Kenya into a period of introspection and urgency for reform. With President Ruto's commitments in mind, the nation stands at a critical juncture where the principles of justice, human rights, and democratic governance must prevail to ensure a future free from the specter of extrajudicial violence.

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