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"Riots Aside" Kenyans Told The Positive Impact Gen Z Has Brought On Country's Political Landscape

opera.com 3 days ago

Kenya have been told the positive vibes Kenya's young generation popular GenZ has brought in Countrys political landscape.


The young generation has recently lead a country wide demonstration to shut punitive taxe Bill, Finance Bill 2024 forcing President William Ruto to return the Bill to the parliament.

Following that, former Nairobi County governor Mike Sonko now says, riot aside, GenZ has change how Country politics has been running, adding things will never be the same.

Penning to his X platform on Thursday, Governor Mike Sonko said in less than two weeks, GenZ has manage to uproot tribal politics to politics of issues.

He foresee 2027 General Elections to be a game changer going forward. He, however not hinted if at all he is eyeing certain seat.

"Kenya's political landscape will never be the same again, thanks to Gen Z. In less than two weeks, they have single-handedly eliminated tribalism. Elections will now be based on issues rather than tribe," Mike Sonko stated.

Mike Sonko stated post link shared below;


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