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Were You There? Ruto Clashes With Linus Kaikai Over Police Killing During Interview

opera.com 4 days ago

A heated argument has broken out between President William Ruto and opposition leader Linus Kaikai over video footage of a police shooting incident.

The disagreement happened during a live TV discussion with the President. Ruto said there is CCTV video that will help catch the "criminals" involved in the recent shooting of a 12-year-old child by police.

However, Kaikai, who leads the opposition Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) party, quickly challenged the President's claim. "We have CCTV footage of police killing people," Kaikai said.

Ruto, seeming surprised by Kaikai's response, then asked him directly, "Were you there?"

This back-and-forth highlighted the ongoing tensions between the government and opposition over police use of force and accountability.

Critics have long accused the Kenyan police of being too violent, especially in poorer communities. The recent shooting of the 12-year-old child has sparked huge public outrage.

Earlier, President Ruto had promised a full investigation into the incident and said he would provide answers to the victim's mother. But Kaikai's claim of having contradictory CCTV evidence has now cast doubt on the government's willingness to truly hold the police responsible.

The public is demanding to see the video footage and calling for an impartial inquiry. Both Ruto and Kaikai are under pressure to provide the truth and ensure justice is served.

This clash over the CCTV evidence has become a critical test of the Ruto administration's commitment to transparency and the rule of law. With tensions high, the nation is watching closely to see how this situation will unfold.

The battle between the President and opposition leader has raised the stakes, as Kenyans seek answers and accountability for the tragic police shooting of the young child. Regardless of the political implications, there is a strong public demand for the full truth to come to light.


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